August 2017 Newsletter

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On July 19th, 80 HANA community members joined a packed house for the Healthy Illinois Gubernatorial Healthcare and Immigration Candidates Forum with Senator Daniel Biss, Chris Kennedy and J.B. Pritzker.

Syrian Community Network Executive Director Suzanne Akrahs shared her story, recounting difficult challenges faced by many Syrian immigrants and refugees as a result of the Muslim Ban Executive Order. At the end of the forum, one our of our senior community members approached Suzanne, embraced her and said, "You are my daughter. I am from Korea. I am with you."

This powerful connection between two people represents the kind of inspiring community alliance HANA works hard for every day! We must join together across our diverse communities to protect our human rights and secure a healthy, strong future for everyone.


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Fighting Youth Shouting out for Humanity (FYSH) held their annual talent show/fundraiser Coffeehouse on July 28th. FYSH youth raised over $1,600 for their DREAM Scholarship, created to support young people in our communities regardless of immigration status. 

We would like to especially recognize our community members who donated generously to Coffeehouse and joined us as audience members.

CMAP & HANA Center

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HANA Center partnered with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning to conduct focus groups and survey over 100 Asian American community members in the Chicago area, ensuring our voices will be considered in CMAP's transportation and housing planning for Year 2050.

Summer Parenting Group


HANA Center's Summer Parenting Cohort held their final meeting in July. Parents and their children learned about Asian American history and political empowerment, developed a socio-political analysis of race and ethnicity, and improved their communication and team building skills. HANA is excited as we prepare for our Fall Parenting Cohort. For more information, contact Nayoung Ha at

NewsletterHANA Center