Senior Services & Public Benefits
Senior Services & Public Benefits is committed to improving the quality of life and maintaining the dignity of older adults and immigrant families through support, education, empowerment, and advocacy.
HANA Center is proud to be a part of the City of Chicago’s #ProtectChicago Vaccine PSA Campaign. Check out the video below featuring HANA Center’s Volunteer Health Coordinator Rachel Cha to learn more about vaccine options!
Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP)

Public benefits programs
We provide comprehensive case management, translation/interpretation, and information/referral services for those who face language and cultural barriers in accessing public benefits and services of local, state, and federal government.
Education Workshops & Seminars
Education workshops and seminars help to plan and manage individual growth so that older adults may lead vigorous and active lives through a variety of programs that are suitable and engaging for older adults.
Topics: Retirement planning, Medicare workshop, Public Benefits 101, How to utilize Housing and Senior Services, prescription drug insurance counseling, etc.
Public Health Services
We provide a variety of public health services to ensure that older adults can lead active and healthy lives, which include dementia prevention educational workshops, prevention and education of falling down and related falling injuries, disease prevention, and health awareness education, etc.
Step-By-Step: Fall Prevention Program
Wellness Club: Health Literacy Program
Hepatitis B Education
Annual Health Fair
Silver Wing Volunteer Program
The goal of the Silver Giving Circle program is to empower the Korean American community by building Korean older adults’ leadership capacity, creating a circle of trained volunteers who can help their peers understand and access safety net resources.