July 2017 Newsletter


Four-year old Jireh and her two-year old brother Isaac have been coming to HANA Center's Early Childhood Center for about a year. Their mother Sooyoun attests that HANA Center has been a wonderful place for her children, helping them achieve important academic and developmental milestones. HANA's program is affordable and enables Sooyoun to run a small business with her husband and provide for their family.

In Illinois, about 130,000 families rely on the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) to enroll their children in enriching programs like HANA's Early Childhood Center. Budget cuts seriously threaten access to CCAP and other vital supports for working families.

Illinois State Budget

Over two years have passed, and Illinois still does not have a state budget. Call your State Senator and Representative today at 1-855-334-6885. Tell them that we need a full-year budget with adequate, permanent revenue that will restore access to the child care assistance program for 30,000 Illinois families and ensure all Illinois families have the opportunity for a brighter future.

Protect Medicaid and US Health Care

Under the US Senate's recently proposed "TrumpCare" bill, 22 million Americans will lose health care by 2026, including 1 in 2 Illinois children. Call your US Congress(wo)men today at 1-866-877-3303and urge them to oppose changes to Medicaid or health care, which would cause irreparable harm to our families and communities!

Child Care Assistance Program Eligibility

Since eligibility for financial support for low-income families was drastically cut in 2015, 30,000 Illinois families have become ineligible for child care assistance. This year, HB3213 was introduced and passed through the Illinois General Assembly.  If signed by the Governor, this legislation would restore access to the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) for over 5,000 children whose parents are enrolled in non-TANF education and training programs. Sign up for our newsletters to stay informed about the progress of HB3213 and other important legislation impacting our communities.



HANA Center partners with Chicago Volunteer Legal Services to provide Citizenship and Guardianship Workshops. Volunteer lawyers and translators come to Hana Center to assist families seeking legal advice and services. Like us on Facebook to learn about upcoming workshop dates and times!

Chicago Dyke March 2017

Our community drumming group joined Chicago Dyke March Collective to celebrate dyke, queer, bisexual, and transgender resilience. We invite anyone interested in joining our community drumming group to contact our Youth Organizer Yujin.

Swedish Covenant Hospital Summer Blast

Members of the HANA's Youth Empowerment Program spent their Saturday sharing the tradition of pungmul drumming at the Swedish Covenant Hospital Summer Social - where they performed for the community, introduced children to pungmul, and registered voters.

NewsletterHANA Center