Healing Through Art: HANA March Newsletter & Upcoming Events


김경자씨는 하나센터의 무궁 테라스에 거주하시면서 아파트에 거주하시는 다른 연장자들께 한국의 공예품을 직접 만드는 법을 가르치는 위크샵을 진행하고 계십니다. 그는 30대의 나이였을 때 두 아들과함께 서울에서 시카고로 이민을 왔습니다. 유방암의 생존자로서, 그는 어러 해동안 우울증과 싸워왔습니다. 그는 치유의 한 방편으로써 종이 공예 제작을 시작했고, 지금은 그 재능을 통해 다른 사람들에게 치유의 기회를 주시고 있습니다. 이번 달에 그는 하나센터의 자원봉사자로서, 시카고 어린이 박물관에서 열리는 “하트 앤드 서울’ 전시회의 종이 공예 워크샵의 강사로서 참여했습니다. 이를 동해 80여명의 어린이들과 그들의 가족들이 전통적인 한국 공예의 아름다움을 체험했습니다. 


Ms. Kyung Ja Kim resides at HANA Center's Moogoong Terrace and instructs Korean craft classes for fellow senior housing residents. Ms. Kim immigrated with her two sons to Chicago from Seoul, Korea when she was in her thirties. As a survivor of breast cancer, she struggled with depression for years. Ms. Kim began making Korean paper crafts as a healing activity and now enjoys sharing this gift with others. This month, Ms. Kim volunteered with HANA Center to lead a craft workshop at the Chicago Children's Museum's Heart & Seoul exhibit, sharing the art of Korean paper crafts with more than 80 children and their families!



2018 Gubernatorial Candidates Forum and Summit

2018 주지사 선거 후보자들 포럼

하나센터는 2018년 주지사 선서 후보자들 포럼에 참여해서, 그들에게 이민자들의 권리를 대변하는 역할의 중요성을 당부했습니다. 2018년은 일리노이주에 있어서 중요한 선거의 해이며, 하나센터는 우리의 후보자들이 지역사회의 현안에 대해 숙지하고 대변해야함을강조했습니다.


HANA Center participated in the 2018 Gubernatorial Candidates Forum & ICIRR Summit, engaging with Illinois Gubernatorial Candidates to understand their platforms and directly advocate for immigrant rights and access. 2018 is an important election year for Illinois and HANA Center is committed to ensuring our candidates know and address the needs and priorities of our communities!

Phonebank for Power with HANA

힘을 위한 하나센터 폰뱅크


하나센터는 자원봉사자들과 함께 두차레의 폰뱅크 활동을 펼쳤습니다. 저희의 활동에 동참해주신 여러분께 감사드립니다!  3월 20일화요일에 있을 예비 선거를 앞두고 저희들은 계속해서 아시아계 이민자들의 투표를 독려해나갈 예정입니다.



We held our first two phonebanking events for 2018 at HANA Center with our powerful and amazing volunteers. Thank you to everyone who came and joined in this important work! Leading up to the Illinois Primaries on Tuesday, March 20th, we will continue to phonebank to engage AAPI voters around #Education4All,#Healthcare4All, and the #FairTaxCampaign.

HANsori Workshop

한소리 워크샵


하나센터에서 월요일 저녁마다 열리는 풍물 모임인 한소리가 처음으로 전시와 워크샵을 겸한 행사를 가졌습니다.  한소리는 매주 월요일 저녁 7시에서 9시까지 하나센터에서 모입니다. 더 많은 정보를 원하시면 하나센터의 맹유진씨에게 연락주십시오  (ymaeng@hanacenter.org). 

HANsori, HANA Center's Monday night pungmul group, held its first-ever exhibition and workshop. HANsori will continue to meet Monday evenings from 7 to 9 pm at the HANA Chicago Center. For more information, contact Yujin Maeng at ymaeng@hanacenter.org. 

NewsletterHANA Center